Collection: 7 Organic Flours - folic acid free

At Organic Flour Mills we offer the healthiest fine NZ milled organically certified whole-grain flours in New Zealand - FREE of any added synthetic man-made folic acid! Milled from glyphosate-free organically certified grain!!

Have you tried our Quinoa flour from spray-free Kiwi quinoa grown in New Zealand ? Quinoa on special extended for 2025!

Choose from 4 freshly baked bread loaves (for pick-up in Palmy and delivery within NZ)

4 freshly baked loaves using: spelt, spelt/rye, and wheat/spelt flours - for $10 each, and our sultana spelt loaf for $11. 

And 3Bread Mixes still at $8 each !!!!

Special extended to 2025 by popular request: order any 10 bread mixes and you get an extra 1 bread mix for FREE!!

And, 7 healthy whole-grain organic flours available: 
3 NZ-grown gluten organic flours: wheat, spelt, rye, and ...
4 gluten-free organic flours: buckwheat, rice, millet, 
and spray-free NZ-grown quinoa flour!

NOTE: Sorghum not available atm - we are searching for a new supplier ...

NB: 2025 gift idea: why not give your loved ones a gift card from Organic Flour Mills, for a healthy birthday or anniversary prezzie :)

We mill our organic whole grains, keeping the bran and germ intact, to provide organically certified whole-grain flour full of maximum nutrients, yet fine enough for lightweight loaves of bread!

Lindsay mills our organic flours only on our Zentrofan air cyclone impact mills to retain all these nutriments - see article on Zentrofan milling.

STOCKISTS NOTE: For stockists we have a different pricing structure.
Please email us for information:

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Read more on Flour ...

11 products