Do you know that flour from a Zentrofan cyclone mill is better for you than flour conventionally milled?
So how is Zentrofan milled flour better than stone-ground flour?
If you haven’t tried our Zentrofan milled flour, here’s why you should...
Zentrofan air-cyclone mills work quite differently from conventional stone-grinding mills or industrial roller mills. Instead of grinding the grain between two stones, or rolling it between rollers, the Zentrofan works by a constant current of cool air, circulating and impacting the grain against the stationary basalt-lava stone wall of the mill.
No grinding friction means healthier flour!
Conventional and commercial industrial mills create friction, as the grain is ground between rotating stones, which creates heat, reducing the nutritional value of the flour. By contrast, the Zentrofan cyclone mill is designed to keep the grain cool as it breaks down without pressure, retaining all the valuable nutriments in the flour. During this process, any moisture in the flour naturally evaporates, which helps to extend the shelf life of the flour. The special advantage of the Zentrofan mill is that it grinds the whole grain by such a gentle process that it produces the healthiest flour.
No grinding means finer flour!
Zentrofan mills do not stone-grind, nor roller-grind the grain into flour. They simply blow the grain against the mill's circular basalt wall repeatedly, until the particles are broken down into small enough particles to pass into the flour bin. This Zentrofan milled flour is therefore much finer than can be achieved with whole-grain stone-ground flour or conventional whole-grain roller-ground flour. It is not heavy as stone-ground flour tends to be. Zentrofan flour is used to make light fine loaves of bread. Spelt flour makes the lightest bread, although adding a little wheat gluten helps it rise more than straight wheat flour.
Zentrofan means finer healthier whole grain flour!
At Organic Flour Mills, in NZ, we use only Zentrofan cyclone mills, designed and manufactured in Germany, to mill the grain into flour. Furthermore, we mill only organic whole grain. During this process, all the valuable fibre, bran, and germ are retained in the flour. None of the important nutrients are stripped away by refining, or by being adversely heated in the milling process, so the healthiest flour is produced for the customer. This flour is the finest, lightest, whole-grain flour available, ideal for baking, breads, cakes, cookies, pizza, pasta, and for use in general cooking.
Zenetrofan milling is suitable for any grain that doesn’t have oil or fat in it. So, at Organic Flour Mills NZ, we are able to mill whole wheat, rye, and spelt, as well as gluten-free buckwheat, sorghum, millet and brown rice. We house the mills in separate mill rooms, to avoid cross-contamination between the gluten and gluten-free flours. Our Zentrofan milled grains produce freshly ground whole-grain flour that is appetizing, light and tasty, with all vitamins, minerals, enzymes and dietary fibre intact for making the healthiest possible food. Try it for yourself!